Goals and Non-Goals
Code serves two purposes:
- It has to what you want (and this usually means: the features you want, the performance you want, no bugs).
- It has to not drive you insane.
However, what's conspicuous by absence is: the purpose of code is not to determine your data model! And in this regard OOP has done us a bit of a disservice in how we think about design.
OOP Myths
The problem with an OOP design is that it confuses code structure with data structure by providing a set of idioms and language constructs that bind the two together in very specific ways.
When I was in school, OOP was mis-advertised as providing three really great things:
- Encapsulation (that is, keeping the guts of your code from leaking all over the place).
- Polymorphism (that is, giving you language constructs to define multiple implementations of abstract behaviors).
- Code reuse (via inheritance, that is, you should be able to sub-class to utilize existing code).
Polymorphism is a neat trick, but just not that important. I think we have all of one polymorphic class in all of X-Plane (plus one more in the installer). That's in close to half a million lines of code. Again, OOP doesn't have the monopoly - we get most of our dynamic behavior from function behaviors, not virtual function tables.
And code reuse via inheritance is so far off base that I'd call it a damned lie. Inheriting implementation usually results in chaos and is a bad idea, so I never believed this one.
But the idea that code design and data design serve different masters brings home exactly why this is a poor idea. Basically you are creating a very particular relationship among your data for the purpose of organizing your code! Bad idea! Data design should be driven by program needs, not code organization needs.
Design Method
When I work on X-Plane features, I think in terms of a data structure and an algorithm that go together to serve my purpose. Typically they are inseparable; it is necessary to organize the data in a certain way to run an algorithm with the performance characteristics we need. I would say you can't separate the two; is a hash table the structure, the algorithms for insert, search, etc. or both? I'd say both, because eithe one on their own are useless.
The actual "OOP" level code design is only determined after I have a clear picture of the data and algorithm design. Once we've decided that we're going to use a quad-tree for our scene graph (again, that's an algorithm and a data structure), then I go looking for language-specific idioms that will do this well.
(In this case we do use objects, but they aren't polymorphic, and in most cases they're just glorified structures.)
Refactor Early, Refactor Often
Finally, I always start a new feature in X-Plane with a clean work-surface by refactoring all of the code I will be touching as heavily as I can. You wouldn't know that the module in question wasn't version 1.0 (and this is before coding the new feature).
The advantage of this is that it cuts new-feature development time way down -- it's as if the app was custom coded to make the feature trivial. Most of the real work and development time is spent in the refactoring.
One reason to favor refactoring over new features for where to spend development time is that when refactoring, you can make a number of small changes and regression-test repeatedly. I find this goes a lot smoother than changing a huge amount of code and then discovering that multiple bugs causes nothing to work. With the small changes and regressions, bugs are caught a few at a time, making them easy to stomp.
By comparison, a new may be complex enough that it has to be coded fairly significantly to be able to test in useful ways. (The Rapid Development folks would yell at me for not having adequate test code.) Regardless of your testing diligence, you can't deny that when you start a new feature, there are already more ways to test the old one than the new one.
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